It’s time to introduce the new version of Energy Logserver 7.7.0, which continues to evolve in several parallel directions. In… Continue Reading Discover the latest version 7.7.0 of Energy Logserver
Energy Logserver
Malware often uses Domain Generation Algorithms (DGA) to avoid detection and blocking by security systems, generating dynamic domain names for… Continue Reading Detection of Domain Generation Algorithms (DGA) Using Entropy and Artificial Intelligence
In 7.5.0, the Empowered AI module was delivered. It works based on artificial intelligence and mathematical algorithms for data analysis.… Continue Reading The 7.5.0 version of Energy Logserver full of Empowered AI
We are proud to introduce a new product to our family – Energy Monitor! Energy Monitor ensures continuous supervision of… Continue Reading Power Up Your IT Infastructure with our new product Energy Monitor
The new version of Energy Logserver 7.4.3 is available now! We are pleased to introduce the latest version of our… Continue Reading New version: ENERGY LOGSERVER 7.4.3
The Mitre Corporation is known for maintaining a knowledge base on attacks, spyware, exploits, and other cybersecurity threat areas. This… Continue Reading Integrating MITRE ATT&CK tactics into Energy Logserver
While developing Energy Logserver, we wonder what the nature of the work of a SOC office analyst is ? How… Continue Reading Text Data Anomaly Detection
The new version of Energy Logserver 7.4.2 is available for download ! New features and major changes : Empowered AI… Continue Reading Energy Logserver 7.4.2