You might have heard that we were planning big changes for the year 2022. If you did – you heard right, and here is first of them – Energy Logserver with version 7.1!
Don’t be mistaken, that is a big deal. There are huge changes on many system levels, starting from backend engine to specific modules updates. And of course – new, amazing modules are on the way. We are really excited about update. So let us introduce you to some of the changes.
Now you can download agents directly from UI. Download button has been added to Agents module and you can use it to choose which agent to download and in which version. You no longer have to remotely search for agents packets nor you don’t need to worry about correct version. Installation and configuration stays easy as always. Hope this will help you stay confident in connecting new data sources to Energy Logserver.
Archive module is getting new options that makes using it even easier. First of all, option of manual starting chosen task has been added. Each task is equipped with “Run now” option, which allows to run specific task instantly, without waiting for scheduled time. This helps with more dynamic work while using Energy Logserver.
Same goes for disabling tasks. This new option can be used to simply deactivate specific task. In effect, archive task will not launch until activated again. Now you can plan ahead archive task, prepare them for future data or simply disable old tasks, without removing them.
Finally there is a big improvement in securing archive – encrypting. Archives now can be encrypted during single process, maintained by multithreaded archive compressor. This change helps Energy Logserver to protect data as it is leaving system in order to be archived.
Since we are with securing data, you need to know that we’ve improved data access mechanism! Now, data access and security module support data restriction on field basis. This means that chosen roles can have limited view over documents. With this feature, data access isn’t no longer two dimensional (either you have access or you don’t). This feature allows to view document but restricts access to selected fields. It brings completely new, additional layer of security over your data.
UI security has also been improved with support of TLS v 1.3 data encryption. From functional perspective there was also significant change, like support for Saved Query. Those object are saved syntax queries that are not relate with specific index pattern, unlike Saved Search. This can significantly speed up process of searching, analyzing and detecting incidents.
Other change is addressing problem with index lifecycle management. This Energy Logserver version comes with completely new module – Index Management. It allows you to define operations after index end its life. If you thought that only think that can happen to an old index is deletion, then you better think again. You can set many different operation, like merging or closing. Deleting is only one option. You are free to schedule automated action based on patterns and wildcards, which means that you no longer needs to worry about indices – Energy Logserver will take care of them for you.

We’ve also implemented few changes into reporting mechanism. There is a new type of report, data table, which is designed for data table visualization. Now you are able to create report like table, which includes all records, not only those visible on visualization page. Thanks to this small change, you are receiving much more information from single report that is using tables.
More than that – you can also now name report tasks, which also transform into name of the final file.
Let’s finish with OS support. We know a lot was going on during 2020-2021 in Linux community. 2022 isn’t looking to be more relaxing. That is why we added two new distro to group of officially supported OS – AlmaLinux and RockyLinux. This gives you more freedom when choosing and planning your infrastructure with Energy Logserver.
We hope you enjoyed this rundown of changes in Energy Logserver 7.1. As always – more improvements to come.